Minggu, 18 November 2012

Tips Healthy Living, Natural, Fit And Happy

In developed countries, many people who implement healthy behavior in line with the movement of cancer prevention. The following steps are recommended to prevent cancer with a healthy way of life :
* Eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains such as tempeh, tofu and foods that contain lots of fiber. At least once or twice a day to consume green vegetables and fruits.

* Avoid excessive weight or obesity. Weigh weight 1 time a week. Research shows, due to obesity, the risk of cancer is greater in particular breast, uterus, colon, stomach, kidney, and gallbladder.

* Reduce lot of fried foods and high in protein and fat.

* Limit processed foods with a high temperature and a long time or a certain treatment that can cause food procarcinogens such as salted, smoked, baked, roasted until charcoal out. The best is boiled foods.

* Be careful with the use of artificial sweeteners, food coloring and preservatives excessive. The best food is fresh food.

* Keep food, diverse, and free from environmental contamination substances.

* Should not consume beverages containing alcohol and smoking

* Physical activity with regular exercise with mental and spiritual health is part of an effort to prevent cancer.



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